Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Belo Monte Dam Complex

Since 1999, ACT has supported the tribes of Brazil’s 6.5-million acre Xingu Indigenous Reserve in their efforts to formulate land management plans and to acquire the necessary technical and administrative skills to assume full responsibility for their conservation and sustainable development activities. Recently, international attention has been drawn to the region due to the likely highly negative impacts of the proposed Belo Monte Dam Complex on the Xingu’s people and ecology. To understand why this matter is of such great urgency, watch the new Google Earth tour and YouTube video “Defending the Rivers of the Amazon” by Amazon Watch and International Rivers.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, we have been fighting for reversal of a badly placed dam here in Florida. Once one is constructed it seems to take "an act of God" to have it corrected. I already select ACT as one of the enviornmental organizations that I choose to support annually. May your efforts at preventing these dams prevail.
    SHG-in FL
